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Knoll - Page 3

Knoll is a German company founded in 1865 by Wilhelm Knoll. The reputation for designing and producing high quality furniture has been with us since the beginning...


312 products

Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, White laminate top, H: 37, Ø 51


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, White laminate top, H: 37, Ø 51


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 107 cm, White frame, glossy black Marquina marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 107 cm, White frame, glossy black Marquina marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 120 cm, White frame, glossy brown Emperador marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 120 cm, White frame, glossy brown Emperador marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, White frame, glossy brown Emperador marble top, H: 38, Ø 91


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, White frame, glossy brown Emperador marble top, H: 38, Ø 91


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 137 cm, Black frame, top in matt black Marquina marble


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 137 cm, Black frame, top in matt black Marquina marble


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, matt white Arabescato marble top, H: 36, Ø 51


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, matt white Arabescato marble top, H: 36, Ø 51


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 120 cm, White frame, glossy Statuarietto marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 120 cm, White frame, glossy Statuarietto marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, matt white Arabescato marble top, H: 38, Ø 91


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, matt white Arabescato marble top, H: 38, Ø 91


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 120 cm, White frame, glossy black Marquina marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 120 cm, White frame, glossy black Marquina marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, top in matt black Marquina marble, H: 36, Ø 51


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, top in matt black Marquina marble, H: 36, Ø 51


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 137 cm, Black frame, glossy brown Emperador marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 137 cm, Black frame, glossy brown Emperador marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 107 cm, Black frame, glossy white Arabescato marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 107 cm, Black frame, glossy white Arabescato marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, top in matt black Marquina marble, H: 38, Ø 91


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, top in matt black Marquina marble, H: 38, Ø 91


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 91 cm, Black frame, glossy white Arabescato marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 91 cm, Black frame, glossy white Arabescato marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, matt Statuarietto marble top, H: 36, Ø 51


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, matt Statuarietto marble top, H: 36, Ø 51


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 137 cm, Black frame, White laminate top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 137 cm, Black frame, White laminate top


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, White frame, top in matt brown Emperador marble, H: 36, Ø 51


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, White frame, top in matt brown Emperador marble, H: 36, Ø 51


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 137 cm, Black frame, glossy white Arabescato marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 137 cm, Black frame, glossy white Arabescato marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, matt Statuarietto marble top, H: 38, Ø 91


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, matt Statuarietto marble top, H: 38, Ø 91


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 137 cm, Black frame, top in matt brown Emperador marble


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 137 cm, Black frame, top in matt brown Emperador marble


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 91 cm, Black frame, White laminate top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 91 cm, Black frame, White laminate top


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, matt green Alpi marble top, H: 36, Ø 51


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, matt green Alpi marble top, H: 36, Ø 51


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 91 cm, Black frame, glossy green Alpi marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 91 cm, Black frame, glossy green Alpi marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, matt green Alpi marble top, H: 38, Ø 91


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, matt green Alpi marble top, H: 38, Ø 91


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 91 cm, Black frame, glossy black Marquina marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 91 cm, Black frame, glossy black Marquina marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, top in matt brown Emperador marble, H: 36, Ø 51


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, top in matt brown Emperador marble, H: 36, Ø 51


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 91 cm, White frame, glossy green Alpi marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 91 cm, White frame, glossy green Alpi marble top


Platner Coffee Table, base in Polished Nickel, Ø 91.5 cm, top in white Arabescato marble


Platner Coffee Table, base in Polished Nickel, Ø 91.5 cm, top in white Arabescato marble


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 91 cm, White frame, glossy Statuarietto marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 91 cm, White frame, glossy Statuarietto marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 91 cm, White frame, glossy black Marquina marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 91 cm, White frame, glossy black Marquina marble top


Platner Coffee Table, base in polished nickel, Ø 91.5 cm, top in green Apli marble


Platner Coffee Table, base in polished nickel, Ø 91.5 cm, top in green Apli marble


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 91 cm, White frame, Black laminate top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 91 cm, White frame, Black laminate top


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, top in matt brown Emperador marble, H: 38, Ø 91


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, top in matt brown Emperador marble, H: 38, Ø 91


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 120 cm, White base, matt white Arabescato marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 120 cm, White base, matt white Arabescato marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, White frame, glossy green Alpi marble top, H: 36, Ø 51


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, White frame, glossy green Alpi marble top, H: 36, Ø 51


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 120 cm, White frame, top in matt black Marquina marble


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 120 cm, White frame, top in matt black Marquina marble


Platner Coffee Table, base in Polished Nickel, Ø 107 cm, top in green Apli marble


Platner Coffee Table, base in Polished Nickel, Ø 107 cm, top in green Apli marble


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 137 cm, White base, matt brown Emperador marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 137 cm, White base, matt brown Emperador marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 137 cm, White frame, matt green Alpi marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 137 cm, White frame, matt green Alpi marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, White frame, top in matt brown Emperador marble, H: 38, Ø 91


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, White frame, top in matt brown Emperador marble, H: 38, Ø 91


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 137 cm, White base, matt Statuarietto marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 137 cm, White base, matt Statuarietto marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, White frame, matt green Alpi marble top, H: 38, Ø 91


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, White frame, matt green Alpi marble top, H: 38, Ø 91


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 137 cm, White frame, top in matt black Marquina marble


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 137 cm, White frame, top in matt black Marquina marble


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, glossy brown Emperador marble top, H: 36, Ø 51


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, glossy brown Emperador marble top, H: 36, Ø 51


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 137 cm, White base, matt white Arabescato marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 137 cm, White base, matt white Arabescato marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, glossy green Alpi marble top, H: 36, Ø 51


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, glossy green Alpi marble top, H: 36, Ø 51


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 152 cm, White frame, matt green Alpi marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 152 cm, White frame, matt green Alpi marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 91 cm, White base, matt white Arabescato marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 91 cm, White base, matt white Arabescato marble top


Platner Coffee Table - 18k gold, Ø 107 cm, green Apli marble top


Platner Coffee Table - 18k gold, Ø 107 cm, green Apli marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 152 cm, White frame, top in matt black Marquina marble


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 152 cm, White frame, top in matt black Marquina marble


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, glossy Statuarietto marble top, H: 38, Ø 91


Saarinen Round Table - Coffee table, Black frame, glossy Statuarietto marble top, H: 38, Ø 91


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 152 cm, White base, matt white Arabescato marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 152 cm, White base, matt white Arabescato marble top


Platner Coffee Table - 18k gold, Ø 107 cm, top in black Marquina marble


Platner Coffee Table - 18k gold, Ø 107 cm, top in black Marquina marble


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 107 cm, White base, matt Statuarietto marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 107 cm, White base, matt Statuarietto marble top


Platner Coffee Table - 18k gold, Ø 107 cm, white Arabescato marble top


Platner Coffee Table - 18k gold, Ø 107 cm, white Arabescato marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 91 cm, White base, matt brown Emperador marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 91 cm, White base, matt brown Emperador marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 91 cm, White frame, matt green Alpi marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 91 cm, White frame, matt green Alpi marble top


Platner Coffee Table - 18k guld, Ø 91,5 cm, skiva i Bronsfärgat glas


Platner Coffee Table - 18k guld, Ø 91,5 cm, skiva i Bronsfärgat glas


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 107 cm, White base, matt brown Emperador marble top


Saarinen Round Table - Dining table, Ø 107 cm, White base, matt brown Emperador marble top


Platner Coffee Table - 18k gold, Ø 91,5 cm, green Alpi marble top


Platner Coffee Table - 18k gold, Ø 91,5 cm, green Alpi marble top
