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Varmt eller kallt? Så väljer du rätt ljustemperatur till ditt hem


Warm or cold? How to choose the right light temperature for your home

When choosing a new lamp, it is easy to focus on the design, while the actual function of the light becomes secondary. We dive deeper into how to choose the right temperature for your home.

Ask yourself what kind of light you want and how it should feel. This will make it easier to find a lamp that is as pleasant to look at as it is to see with.

We are usually most in need of general light, work light and mood light – and the latter seems to be what most northerners are most comfortable with. That is, a warmer, softer light that is particularly suitable for places where we need to unwind. Bedrooms and living rooms are two examples of rooms where a warmer light usually works best, while a slightly cooler light is preferable at the workplace or where you often read. A cooler light can also be appreciated in kitchens and bathrooms to give a fresher impression. In a room with many different functions – like a living room or combined kitchen and dining area, you may need to vary the light temperature to meet your needs.

Editorial Splash 1 - Varmt eller kallt?

White is not just white, the temperature of light determines how the eye perceives white. The temperature is always indicated in K on packaging, and the higher the Kelvin, the colder the light. In a cold temperature, the light is perceived as sharper and is therefore better suited to a working environment. A lamp for reading has completely different requirements than a soft and warm mood light. Incandescent lamps were popular for a long time, given their low price and warm glow – but the last of our traditional incandescent lamps were banned in 2012. Towards the end of 2018, the halogen lamp suffered the same fate and was banned in the EU because they both consumed too much energy. This is in contrast to LED lamps, which require significantly less power to illuminate. LED is an invention that dates back to the 1920s, but has often been rejected because of its price and often cold light. Thanks to major advances in technology in recent years, there is now a wide range of LED lamps that emit both cold and warm light. In other words, the idea that LEDs are synonymous with cold, blue light is now a myth we can forget with a clear conscience.

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