The Cutter series, created by designer Niels Hvass for Fritz Hansen, is a stylish and modern collection of garden furniture, contrasting with the nostalgic and romantic wooden design. Hvass focused on purity, simplicity and sculptural aesthetics in the creation of a bench that was not only distinctive in its design language, but also versatile enough to become one of Skagerak's most popular pieces of furniture. Starting with a simple bench, the Cutter design has evolved into a series of beautiful utility products for the whole home, characterized by materials such as teak, oak and stainless steel and exclusive execution.
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Niels Hvass for Fritz Hansen
Cutter 120
840,70 €
(RRP 989,00 €)
Incl. 19% VAT
Fritz HansenDesigner:
Niels Hvass
121 cm
43.5 cm
FSC-certified oak
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Please note that the images are indicative. Colors may differ from reality.