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Voyage Shoehorn - Georg Jensen - NO GA
Voyage Shoehorn - Georg Jensen - NO GA
Voyage Shoehorn - Georg Jensen - NO GA
Voyag e Sho e horn by the Danish brand G e org Jensen was added to the Voyag e collection in 2009. The shoe horn has a heavy foot so that it can stand up by itself and is easy to grab which makes it perfectly designed for any busy journey when you 're on your way out the door . It also goes to attach a rubber band to the shoe horn and hang up the hook which makes it easily accessible after hoofing . Voyage e Sho e horn is both elegant and functional and is made of polished stainless steel .

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Michael Young for Georg Jensen

Voyage Shoehorn


Incl. 21% VAT


Georg Jensen


Michael Young


9.3 cm


53.4 cm


23 cm




Rostfritt stål, ABS-plast, Gummi

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