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Buster + Punch details

Buster + Punch blev grundlagt i London i 2013 af arkitekt og industriel designer Massimo Buster Minale. Rejsen begynder i en garage i det ydre London, hvor han fremstiller motorcykler, hvis materialer og design bliver inspiration til...

Buster + Punch

60 produkter

T-Bar Plate

I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch

T-Bar Plate

Fra 300,00 kr.350,00 kr.

Pull Bar Linear Small Brass

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar Linear Small Brass

463,00 kr.

Pull Bar Plate Linear Large

I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar Plate Linear Large

Fra 443,00 kr.517,00 kr.

L-Bar Steel

I weblagring

Buster + Punch

L-Bar Steel

197,00 kr.230,00 kr.

Precious Bar

I weblagring

Buster + Punch

Precious Bar

626,00 kr.730,00 kr.


I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch


Fra 197,00 kr.230,00 kr.


I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch


Fra 411,00 kr.

Pull Bar Nude - Large (360mm) Steel

I weblagring

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar Nude - Large (360mm) Steel

497,00 kr.580,00 kr.

Furniture Knob Linear 2-pak

I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch

Furniture Knob Linear 2-pak

Fra 229,00 kr.(rek. pris 239,00 kr.)

Pull Bar / Plate - Medium (300mm) Steel

I weblagring

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar / Plate - Medium (300mm) Steel

578,00 kr.674,00 kr.

Furniture Knob Plate Linear Burnt Steel

I weblagring

Buster + Punch

Furniture Knob Plate Linear Burnt Steel

260,00 kr.303,00 kr.

Pull Bar / Plate - Small (200mm) Steel

I weblagring

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar / Plate - Small (200mm) Steel

524,00 kr.611,00 kr.

Pull Bar / Plate - Large (400mm) Brass

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar / Plate - Large (400mm) Brass

1.067,00 kr.

Pull Bar Plate Linear Small Steel

I weblagring

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar Plate Linear Small Steel

385,00 kr.449,00 kr.

Pull Bar Plate Linear Medium Steel

I weblagring

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar Plate Linear Medium Steel

421,00 kr.491,00 kr.

Pull Bar Plate Large - Steel

I weblagring

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar Plate Large - Steel

631,00 kr.736,00 kr.

Closet Bar

I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch

Closet Bar

Fra 1.045,00 kr.

Key Escutcheon Plate

I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch

Key Escutcheon Plate

Fra 187,00 kr.

Furniture Knob Plate Linear Gun Metal

I weblagring

Buster + Punch

Furniture Knob Plate Linear Gun Metal

260,00 kr.380,00 kr.

Pull Bar Linear medium Brass

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar Linear medium Brass

560,00 kr.

Pull Bar Plate Linear Large Brass

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar Plate Linear Large Brass

829,00 kr.

Door Lever Handle & Key Escutcheon Plate

I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch

Door Lever Handle & Key Escutcheon Plate

Fra 1.448,00 kr.

Euro Cylinder Plate, 27mm, Black

I weblagring

Buster + Punch

Euro Cylinder Plate, 27mm, Black

112,00 kr.131,00 kr.

Euro Cylinder Plate, 27mm Smoked Bronze

I weblagring

Buster + Punch

Euro Cylinder Plate, 27mm Smoked Bronze

143,00 kr.167,00 kr.

Pull Bar Plate Linear Medium Black

I weblagring

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar Plate Linear Medium Black

376,00 kr.439,00 kr.

Pull Bar Plate Linear Large Steel

I weblagring

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar Plate Linear Large Steel

493,00 kr.575,00 kr.

Pull Bar Linear Large Black

I weblagring

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar Linear Large Black

349,00 kr.407,00 kr.

Pull Bar Plate Linear Large Black

I weblagring

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar Plate Linear Large Black

443,00 kr.517,00 kr.

Euro Cylinder Plate

I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch

Euro Cylinder Plate

Fra 112,00 kr.131,00 kr.

Pull Bar Plate

I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar Plate

Fra 457,00 kr.533,00 kr.

T-Bar / Plate, Black

I weblagring

Buster + Punch

T-Bar / Plate, Black

300,00 kr.350,00 kr.

Pull Bar Plate Linear Small

I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar Plate Linear Small

Fra 385,00 kr.449,00 kr.

Pull Bar Plate Linear Medium

I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar Plate Linear Medium

Fra 376,00 kr.439,00 kr.

Pull Bar / Plate - Medium (300mm) Black

I weblagring

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar / Plate - Medium (300mm) Black

511,00 kr.596,00 kr.

Pull Bar Plate Linear Medium Brass

I weblagring

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar Plate Linear Medium Brass

425,00 kr.496,00 kr.

Pull Bar Plate Small - Black

I weblagring

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar Plate Small - Black

457,00 kr.533,00 kr.

Furniture Knob Plate Linear 2-pak

I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch

Furniture Knob Plate Linear 2-pak

Fra 260,00 kr.380,00 kr.

Pull Bar / Plate

I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar / Plate

Fra 578,00 kr.674,00 kr.

T-Bar / Plate, Smoked Bronze

I weblagring

Buster + Punch

T-Bar / Plate, Smoked Bronze

560,00 kr.

Pull Bar Linear Large

I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar Linear Large

Fra 349,00 kr.407,00 kr.

Pull Bar Plate Medium - Smoked Bronze

I weblagring

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar Plate Medium - Smoked Bronze

582,00 kr.679,00 kr.

Furniture Knob Linear Gun Metal

Buster + Punch

Furniture Knob Linear Gun Metal

291,00 kr.

L-Bar Brass

Buster + Punch

L-Bar Brass

336,00 kr.

Pull Bar Linear medium Black

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar Linear medium Black

493,00 kr.

Pull Bar Plate Linear Medium Gun Metal

I weblagring

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar Plate Linear Medium Gun Metal

430,00 kr.502,00 kr.

Pull Bar Linear Medium

I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar Linear Medium

Fra 493,00 kr.

Thumb Turn Lock

I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch

Thumb Turn Lock

Fra 500,00 kr.

Pull Bar / Plate - Small (200mm) Brass

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar / Plate - Small (200mm) Brass

881,00 kr.

Pull Bar Linear Small

I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar Linear Small

Fra 403,00 kr.

Door Lever Handle

I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch

Door Lever Handle

Fra 1.261,00 kr.

Euro Cylinder Plate, 27mm Steel

I weblagring

Buster + Punch

Euro Cylinder Plate, 27mm Steel

239,00 kr.

Pull Bar

I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch

Pull Bar

Fra 497,00 kr.580,00 kr.

Furniture Knob 2-pakning

I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch

Furniture Knob 2-pakning

Fra 359,00 kr.

Furniture Knob / Plate - Steel (Boxed Set of 2)

Buster + Punch

Furniture Knob / Plate - Steel (Boxed Set of 2)

694,00 kr.

Door Stop Floor Mounted Smoked Bronze

Buster + Punch

Door Stop Floor Mounted Smoked Bronze

523,00 kr.

Door Lever Handle & Thumb Turn Lock

I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch

Door Lever Handle & Thumb Turn Lock

Fra 1.761,00 kr.

Door Stop Floor Mounted

I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch

Door Stop Floor Mounted

Fra 448,00 kr.

Furniture Knob Plate 2-pakning

I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch

Furniture Knob Plate 2-pakning

Fra 627,00 kr.

The Hook

I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch

The Hook

194,00 kr.

Door Stop Wall Mounted

I weblagring

+ Flere valg

Buster + Punch

Door Stop Wall Mounted

Fra 359,00 kr.

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